Thursday, March 15, 2012

There's a first ...

I actually agree with Ann Coulter:


"And just a more corporate problem is I think our party and particularly our movement, the conservative movement, does have more of a problem with con men and charlatans than the Democratic Party," she said. "I mean, the incentives seem to be set up to allow people — as long as you have a band of a few million fanatical followers, you can make money. The Democrats have managed to figure out how not to do that."


It's because the Dem base probably has an average of 75-100 IQ points over the GOP base.


  1. They have a problem with con men and charlatans because they've shown themselves to be gullible and easy pickins. Con men don't want a challenge, just their money.

  2. Yeah, but a normal person gets burnt by a con man a couple times, he learns to avoid them. The paste-eaters in the GOP just keep coming back for more with their wallets open.

  3. I caught a bit of Rush Limpdick's show a few weeks back while on the highway and there was fuck-all on the dial. The commercials between him blovinating about things he didn't know shit about (and didn't care to know shit about) was just one charlatan scam after another, whether it was get-rich-quick schemes, tax avoidance schemes that promised you'd never have to pay taxes again if you just purchased their kit, yada yada yada. It was like a fucking parade of scammers, if we had a real FTC their investigators could make their pay just by prosecuting half of Rush Blowhard's advertisers.

    I think at this point, the GOP has already self-selected against intelligence...

    - Badtux the Evolutionary Penguin
