Monday, April 2, 2012

64 years ...

Worth of stuff. That's how long my in-laws were together and it seems like they never threw anything out. The Mrs. and I started the task of going through dad-in-law's place this weekend in preparation to put it up for sale. I can't believe how much stuff they'd accumulated in that time and the things they thought were worth saving. I understand it; they were children of the Great Depression (just as my parents were) and had the "you never know when it might come in handy" mentality. It's close to being overwhelming. Gonna have to get a really big dumpster.


  1. Went thru the same thing when my dad passed. I couldn't believe all the stuff he hung onto. I remember him straightening nails that he pulled and putting them in jars when I was a little kid, and I think every single one was still there.

  2. We used three of the long dumpsters clearing out my mother-in-law's stuff. There was at least one mummified cat under all that stuff.

  3. Don't forget the tag sale. Get some value for all the work you are doing.

  4. We had one of those for the m-i-l's stuff. Helped pay for the dumpsters.

  5. I gotta get my buddy Billy The Scrap Merchant over there. The old man had a thing for old electric motors; gotta be 50 of them down there. They alone should pay for the dumpster.

  6. I suggest you do some research. Some of those might be worth a lot more than the scrap price.

  7. Ain't up to me. According to the Mrs. and her brothers, they want to unload the place as quickly as possible. I'm not arguing because I'm happy they don't want to fix it up first (You know who'd be doing that, don'tcha?) to try and get more money for it. They got an estate guy coming in to give them a price on the furniture and stuff none of them wants. We're donating all his medical stuff (wheelchairs, walkers, and stuff like that) and whatever is left over is going in the dumpster. All they want me around for is to lift the heavy stuff. ;)
