Monday, April 2, 2012

Let's see ...

You treat women like chattel. You would deny women access to vital health care. You would deny women eminance over their own bodies and decisions. Is there any wonder why the GOP is losing the female vote?


Pew research and other polling organizations have shown that there has been a growing gender gap on the presidential level, with President Obama doing better with women against his likely rival in former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney than the President did against Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) at the same point in 2008. But other recent numbers show the presidential race isn’t the only one being affected.

It’s one point both Democrats and Republicans agree on: social issues at the top of the ticket are poisoning the well and creating a gender gap across the board — mostly to the benefit of Democrats.


I guess the cracker bastids who run the show over there that the women of America will accept a return to the 1950s without complaint or disagreement. I got news for you, they've "come a long way, baby" and they ain't gonna give it up without a fight. Good luck with that.

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