Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Headline of the Day

Senior Citizens Grill Republican Congressman At Town Hall For Supporting Ryan Plan To Kill Medicare (VIDEO)

I think the meeting did not go as planned for the congresscritter, but at least he has a new asshole chewed next to the old one. Should improve his outlook but probably not.

I'm waiting for one of the slimy Repug pols to introduce a bill that prohibits anyone on Medicare or Social Security (which I am) from voting on the grounds that they are participating in a socialist system.


  1. I'm waiting for one of the slimy Repug pols to introduce a bill that prohibits anyone on Medicare or Social Security (which I am) from voting on the grounds that they are participating in a socialist system.

    If they thought they could get away with it, they would, brother.

  2. There are probably some of them who do think they could get away with it.

  3. In the photos, why does Fixer look so much cooler than Gordon, but in real life ... (Just kidding!)

  4. In real life we are both too cool for words, just in different ways. Fixer is sophisticated Noo Yawk cosmopolitan cool and I'm dumbass country bumpkin cool. :-)
