Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Homophobes need (gay) love too

It's Wednesday. Guess who. Heh. If he hadn't weighed in on this one, I'da been worried about him.

And then came the headline that surprised exactly no one and delighted a great many, even as it openly terrified countless thousands across the deep south and also Utah and Kansas and pretty much the entire GOP. The poor dears....

Case after case, priest after priest, GOP senator after megachurch pastor after spittle-flecked Tea Party zealot -- all suddenly caught pants down in a bathroom stall, in a leather bar, gay chat room, in a Grindr hookup app, living out their real and honest selves even as they rail and oppose and thump their Bibles everywhere else. Hypocrisy, thy name is homophobe.

Of course, it's not universal. Not all hardcore conservatives secretly wish for a gay romp or ten. Many just act out of purely poisoned souls, or from the unconscious demon telling them that if they're not allowed to express their deepest selves, if they can't live life at a more honest frequency, no one can.

"How dare you!" they then sneer, to the gay couple, to the Burning Man participant, to the hippie or the artist or the educated deviant, the meditator, the spiritual seeker, the yogi or activist or appreciator of sex and tongue and yes. "What gall you have to be open-minded, autonomous, free to love and screw and dance however and with whomever you want. Don't you know about the rules? Don't you know how ugly life is? Don't you know how flawed and guilt-soaked God designed you to be?

This is the lesson: Do not ask deeper questions. Do not tap into your own genuine needs, sexuality, fierce spiritual magma. Do not dare suggest that most fundamentalist notions of Christian God are sort of detestable and gloomy, the exact opposite of what Jesus actually intended. Do not, most of all, dare to define it all for yourself, as your sex, your soul, your internal ethical slut see fit. What the hell do you think you are, free?

The most dangerous person to the Repugs, fundies, haters, racists, etc. is the one who thinks for himself. And rejects their spew.

1 comment:

  1. What gall you have to be open-minded, autonomous, free to love and screw and dance however and with whomever you want.

    The crux of the biscuit.
