Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Now what ...

Would that draft-dodging loudmouth know about "riding into battle"?

As Josh Glasstetter at Right Wing Watch noted, "With surrogates like Nugent, Romney should have no trouble alienating moderates." They caught this clip above with Ted Nugent stumping for Mitt Romney at the NRA convention in St. Louis over the weekend.


Why is it the clowns who did their damndest to get out of serving their country 40 years ago are the ones advocating the loudest for war and battle?


  1. And why does anyone listen to him?
    The draft dodging, cat shooting, canned hunting enthusiast has the wit and wisdom of a fart.
    Watching those mouthbreathing NRA goons in the audience drool and nod in a mindless stupor was one of the most pathetic sights I've ever seen.

  2. Folks like the Nuge appreciate the fact that there is less friction when shooting their rifles than when shooting their guns. And it lasts longer.

  3. I'm all for Nugie and his mouth-breathers saying all the nasty shit they want to. Just because it alienates moderate (normal?) people. It seems to interest the Secret Service too, and Lord knows they need something positive right now. Heh.

    When you read how Nugie got outta the draft, and it ain't pretty, I'm a little amazed he can say the shit he does about being a great patriot and maybe his past coming back to haunt and humiliate him. Typical wingtard hypocrisy. They don't embarrass easy if at all.

    I do like the part about him being "dead or in jail" when Obama gets his 2d term. Fine with me.

  4. pedophile too, don't forget that.
