Wednesday, April 18, 2012

There would be ...

A dead cop in my driveway too:

A man whose Australian Cattle Dog Cisco was shot dead by a Texas police officer responding to a 911 call at a wrong address is asking for improvements to how authorities handle animals they encounter during such investigations.

Michael Paxton said he was playing with his 7-year-old dog in his backyard in Austin on a “quiet” Saturday when an officer showed up in his driveway. His dog, who ran out barking, was dead in seconds, he said.

“I told the officer, you know, don’t shoot my dog cause I knew the dog was going to run forward towards us,” Paxton, a 40-year-old lab tech, told “He (Cisco) ran to the officer’s feet; the officer shot him and killed him.”


It's time for the cops in this country to get reined in bigtime. Idiot shoots my dog for no reason, he's getting the same, no questions asked.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty brave cop, letting a little cattle dog scare him.
