Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Personally ...

I gotta hand it to old Fidel myself. I have no love for Communists but anybody who can give the finger to 10 American Presidents and live to tell about it deserves a little admiration.

MIAMI - Ozzie Guillen returned to Miami to apologize to South Florida's Cuban community and face a five-game suspension handed down by the Marlins on Tuesday for comments he made about Cuba's Fidel Castro.

While his team was in Philadelphia, Guillen was in Little Havana expressing remorse in a news conference at Marlins Park. The manager was quoted in Time magazine saying, "I love Fidel Castro."



  1. A ten game suspension for pissin' off a buncha old Cubans by saying what you think. Yeesh.

  2. I guess that in this case freedom of speech only counts if it's what your employer wants to hear.
