Monday, April 9, 2012

We knew that...


As The Huffington Post reported in February, a study published in the journal "Psychological Science" showed that children who score low on intelligence tests gravitate toward socially conservative political views in adulthood--perhaps because conservative ideologies stress "structure and order" that make it easier to understand a complicated world.


And now there's the new study linking conservative ideologies to "low-effort" thinking.

Does the finding suggest that conservatives are lazy thinkers?

"Not quite," Dr. Eidelman told The Huffington Post in an email. "Our research shows that low-effort thought promotes political conservatism, not that political conservatives use low-effort thinking."

Wait for it...

Bar patrons were asked about social issues before blowing into a Breathalyzer. As it turned out, the political viewpoints of patrons with high blood alcohol levels were more likely to be conservative than were those of patrons whose blood alcohol levels were low.

Stupid, lazy...and drunk. The wingnut pols exploit this:

"Keeping people from thinking too much (my em)...or just asking them to deliberate or consider information in a cursory manner can impact people's political attitudes, and in a way that consistently promotes political conservatism," Dr. Eidelman said in the email.

Make it easy, make it quick, make wrong seem right. The Repug strategy.


  1. As it turned out, the political viewpoints of patrons with high blood alcohol levels were more likely to be conservative than were those of patrons whose blood alcohol levels were low.

    Instant moron: Just add alcohol.

  2. Been there, done that, woulda had to have a BAC over .5 and been dead two days to go conservative, perish the thought. Hopefully not even then.
