Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who doth protest too much ...

Like in Gord's post below, something we knew already but it's nice to see facts back us up:


OK, so for the record: A collaborative team of researchers from the University of Rochester, the University of Essex (England) and the University of California in Santa Barbara have definitively confirmed that those people who have the most hostile and negative feelings towards homosexuals are themselves secretly attracted to members of their own gender. Their hostility can be seen as either a conscious or unconscious effort to affirm a false heterosexual or bisexual identity to themselves and the world.


Personally, I don't care if you want to live your life in a closet or not, just don't try to deny other people things you can't, or don't want to have.


  1. I am reminded of Max Blumenthal's Generation: Chickenhawk, where the one College Republican declares, 'Hey we've all had gay thoughts. But, I'm 100% not gay now!'

  2. I think most of the fun Repugs in general have is denying or taking away rights from people they don't like.
