Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Get the net ...

The straitjackets, and the men in white suits. They've really gone over the edge this time:

“Birthers” are flipping their tinfoil hats over a new film that claims President Barack Obama’s father was not a Kenyan goat herder but rather a communist journalist nearly four decades older than his mother. The problem? It undermines a bedrock of birther lore: that the president is ineligible to be commander-in-chief.


I realize you're not supposed to make fun of people who are developmentally disabled but the 'birthers' should be publicly ridiculed until they crawl back under their rocks and never come back out.


  1. I have a FB friend who's a rabid birther. She's also the person I've known longest on this Earth who's still alive, since 1948. Haven't seen her in fifty years. Somewhere along the way she lost her mind. Terrible.

  2. Hopefully this will get them running around chasing their own tail and stop them from bothering us.

  3. Just for shits 'n giggles, Oily Taint is running for Senate here along with about forty other people. How she conned her way into this country is a mystery. I always thought we excluded mental defectives.

  4. If we did that Gordon, the Halls of Congress would be empty as Hoffa's grave.

  5. I think most of the congresscritters were born here, Not much we can do about that.

  6. Heh. Yeah, I posted about this a month or so ago when World Nut Daily "broke" this "scoop". I had the same jaw agape "What The Fuh?!" reaction that you undoubtedly did... because of course being the child of two Americans (regardless of the party affiliation of one of'em) would make Obama as eligible to run for President as, well, you and me, regardless of whether his birth certificate was forged or not. (In case you haven't read the Constitution, it says nothing about the birth certificate there, it just says "natural-born citizen").

    - Badtux the WTF Penguin
