Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Going for the Mitt ...

You know, when it comes to Romney's "job creator" image his campaign is trying to push, I'll just put this forward.

They point to Staples as one of his success stories, as opposed to running steel mills and manufacturing plants out of business and outsourcing the jobs. A few of my neighbors work for Staples and let me say they sure don't make enough there to support their families. Considering the pay scale in the manufacturing industry versus the discount retail business, and then including the difference in benefits, it's quite easy to see the idea behind Bain Capital was to destroy the good-paying jobs and replace them with low wage, low cost, low security positions. The places the Romney campaign points to as successes (a steel mill and the Utah Olympics) were only successes thanks to infusions of public funds. The instances where Romney was "successful" in creating good-paying jobs were only possible thanks to the handouts by the "big government" he and the rest of the GOP loathe so much.


  1. He created a few jobs at Bain, but other than that he's the lyin'est sacka shit that ever ran for Prez.

  2. Staples was one of the few instances where Bain actually invested as opposed to buying for the purposes of looting a company.

  3. Probably figured they'd better actually invest in a company and make it work before the powers-that-be figured out what they were really up to. We have now.
