Monday, May 21, 2012

Hey, Gordon,

I hope you had insurance on that shipment. Heh ...

The United States Coast Guard and border patrol agents recovered nearly 8,000 pounds of marijuana Sunday evening off the coast of Dana Point, California.

According to CBS Los Angeles, the units used several boats to pick up the shockingly high volume of marijuana in the Pacific Ocean, which is street valued at $3.6 million.


My good friend Harry did a lot of scuba diving when he was younger. About 20 years ago, he found 3 bales of hashish while diving a wreck off Montauk. He only brought one of them back because he couldn't hide them all in the back of his pickup for the 50 mile drive back home. We smoked on that shit for nearly a year.


  1. I bet Harry really wishes he had had an inexpensive GPS unit back then.

    If the idiotic War on Some Drugs was in the least bit serious, there would be no advertising of the value of the contraband in every story. Telling a young me that there is the potential for comfortable retirement in a single, modestly sized (physical size) quantity of an easily gotten illegal substance is a great recruiting tool. Yes, you need a good plan and as little assistance as possible and yes, you stand a chance of doing some time but DAYAM! the payoff if you make it work will set you up in a temperate environment with all the beer and bikini clad hotties a brotha could dream of.

  2. The weed around here comes mostly overland from Humboldt County. What the cops find loose around here is the smoldering remains of meth cook-offs gone bad!

  3. Is salt water weed anything like salt water taffy?
