Monday, May 21, 2012

Logistics ...

Or, "Yeah, how are we gonna get our shit out of there anyway?"

A row between the US and Pakistan over supply routes to Afghanistan is threatening to overshadow the summit of Nato leaders in Chicago.

The two sides have been unable to reach agreement on Pakistan's conditions for reopening the routes, closed after a US air strike killed several troops.


Well, they shouldn'ta been in the way when we were chasing terrists posing as a wedding party, right?


The summit is expected to endorse plans to hand over combat command to Afghan forces by mid-2013 and seek progress in opening routes for troop withdrawals.


In other words, the Paks want us to leave all our shit behind and airlift the troops out. Why? Because, probably, they made a deal with the Talibans for the time after NATO (us) leaves. They know the Afghan Army will stand only as long as American troops are there to back them up and the Paks will have to deal with the Taliban soon enough. A couple billion in military equipment that we don't deem critical enough to blow up before we leave (if it's too prohibitive - one way or the other - to truck it out) might just be a good payoff. Either way, as it always does in that part of the world, it comes down to money. We'll either pay the Paks enough to open the routes though the passes or they'll take the spoils when we leave.


  1. Man, I would stick 4 or more different taggants on every piece of equipment or significant part. Then I would anonymously target a few of them an unidentifiable cruise missile or, just target the ones that appear to be in known Taliban areas. I might even put out a rumour that we had acted on intel GIVEN to us by our allies the Pakis. There is a whole lot of fertile ground for growing instability and revenge there.

    I know, I know. Bad liberal. Sorry :-(

  2. Drain the oil and start the engines and walk away like the Brits did at Dunkirk. Instant low-income housing!

  3. Gordon, you silly man. Don't you know if you let things blow themselves up, Raytheon, Boeing, Bell, Northrup-Grumman, and all the rest couldn't make a dime off it? Can't have that; this is America!

  4. Good point, but they'll get to sell us taxpayers all new ones at today's prices.

    You've never called me "silly man" before. I think I got a thrill up my leg!
