Thursday, May 31, 2012

Not With a Bang, but a Derp: It's Mitt

Just go read this by William Rivers Pitt. Heh.

Under normal circumstances, the fact that Romney finally nailed down the nomination he's been seeking since the Paleozoic Era, and his subsequent assault on Obama's record, should have led the news cycle with a mighty "Hiyo, Silver!"

But no. The last lingering echoes of the most ludicrous GOP field ever to seek the presidency roared over the gunwales of Romney's campaign battleship like a wall of green water, washing away any immediate opportunity the newly-minted nominee might have had to sail out of the storm of nonsense that was the 2012 GOP primary season.

Oh, no, they're still here, as evidenced by the amazing display that was Mr. Trump going all birther on Romney on the exact same day Romney was to stand with Trump at a fundraiser. The laughter emanating from Obama's campaign headquarters in Chicago was loud enough to make the Mississippi River flow in reverse for a few minutes, and could be heard in underground missile silos five hundred miles away.

Will ridicule help? Who the fuck knows? Sure is fun!

1 comment:

  1. ... like a wall of green water ...

    Yeah, he's all moldy. Heh ...
