Thursday, May 31, 2012

Culling the herd ...

Or, Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection:

A "serpent-handling" West Virginia pastor died after his rattlesnake bit him during a church ritual, just as the man had apparently watched a snake kill his father years before.

Pentecostal pastor Mark Wolford, 44, hosted an outdoor service at the Panther Wildlife Management Area in West Virginia Sunday, which he touted on his Facebook page prior to the event.


Heh ... Idiot.


  1. Guess his god didn't like him much.

  2. Rattlesnakes to clean up the stoopid end of the gene pool. What a concept! Let's send a bunch of 'em to Repug congresscritters!

  3. Sorry, Gordon. I don't think that would work.

    Even snakes have standards. They'd have to bite a lot of sewer rats to get the taste out of their mouths.

  4. Damn snake must've been a atheist...or even worse, a Moos-lim...

  5. Are there snake whores? They'd feel right at home in Congress. They'd think they died and gone to heaven!

  6. Nobody but nobody could have seen THAT coming
    he he he

  7. Lemme see...juggling poisonous snakes...nope...nobody coulda predicted that. :-)

  8. Lie down with snakes, ya get snake bit. Who woulda thunk? That's one of those amazing facts like "water is wet", eh?!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin
