Thursday, May 31, 2012

You can die ...

For your country but you can't vote:

Charges of voter suppression are only growing in the state of Florida. As we reported yesterday on The Last Word, that state's Republican Governor Rick Scott is being accused of leading a "misguided" purge of the voter registration rolls. You can see our report in the video above. Florida officials have put together a list of around 180,000 people they believe are not U.S. citizens and should not be allowed to vote.


Included on that list is a 91 year old Army vet who faced down the Nazis in WW2. It's time for the DOJ to get involved. Oh, wait, they're too busy busting potheads to save our democracy. Silly me ...


  1. OTOH, if some veterans somewhere were to organize a campaign ...

  2. I'll betcha there ain't one registered Repug voter on that list. So far, the people I've heard of all had furrin-sounding names ending in vowels. I'm almost glad that crooked sumbitch Scott is doing it because it's bringing voter suppression to light, in FL's case so far over the top, to where the media HAS to take notice of it. It's also against federal law to pull that shit this close before a national election. Yes, DOJ needs to get in. Maybe they could burn a mountain of pot upwind of "The Droopy Dick State". Heh. Couldn't hurt.

  3. Don't worry, Fixer and Gordo, our Department of Justice has gotten right on this case. Why, they, they... sent a sternly worded letter to the Florida Department of Elections!

    That sound you hear is the entire Republican establishment of Florida laughing their fucking asses off... a fucking letter?! What the fuck?!

    - Badtux the "Bullshit talks" Penguin

  4. Lawyer letter be big juju in that crowd!

  5. Gordon, the Republican response to getting a letter saying they're breaking the law is similar to GWB's response to his lawyer telling him that he was violating the Constitution... "it's just a piece of paper." If it ain't got the force of The Law (as in, dudes with black shiny shoes wielding badges and guns) behind it, it's just amusement value to them.

    Only someone like Obama and Holder would think that a friggin' letter was gonna do anything to stop the Florida purge of Democrats from the voter rolls...

  6. Damnit, they keep doing this with military personell in FL!
