Thursday, August 16, 2012

Adelson again?

An odd day for news, to be sure.

Israel sperm banks find quality is plummeting

Ruth Har-Nir, head of Hadassah Sperm Bank in Jerusalem shows off equipment used to find major donor Adelson's shrivelled nutsack.

I mighta made part of that caption up, but the look on her face...

I will never think of the Hadassah ladies the same way ever again...

Excuse me, but I must go. The tank truck of bleach has mercifully just pulled up out in front.


  1. Good thing you never saw Joe Lieberschmuck's wife Hadassah.

  2. I have, but I don't hold Joe against her.

  3. Make sure that truck makes a stop on the Eas' Coas, will ya? ;)
