Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fire in your pants!*


L.A. city leaders weigh strategies for inspecting porn shoots

Depending on the number of film shoots and the frequency of the spot checks, the task could require more than 100 full-time Fire Department employees and cost more than $1.7 million, officials said.

The FIRE DEPARTMENT?!! I know some porn is pretty hot, but...

I will never think of the "jaws of life" or "hook and ladder" the same way ever again, and I shudder at the thought of "fire hose" or, God forbid, "turnout"...

*Title reference is to an old joke - cop stops a gal for speeding, asks her "where's the fire?", answer is "in my pants, officer, and your hose isn't big enough to put it out".



  1. I've been thinking of changing careers. This might be a good opportunity. I could probably get used to LA.

  2. I'm from there. It would be nicer for you if they moved the porn studios from the hothothot San Fernando Valley to the beach.:-)

  3. I betcha they'll find enough volunteers from the LAFD. Heh ...
