Monday, July 29, 2013

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Rand Paul Aide Who Defended John Wilkes Booth Resigns
Became distraction in Paul's quest to represent “Party of Lincoln.”
Wait 'til they find out Lincoln was a Liberal. Heh.

Goldman Sachs's Control of Aluminum Market Costs Taxpayers $6 Billion a Year
Their control of White House, Congress costs us considerably more.
They left out the Supreme Court for some reason.

Data Analysis: Goldman Sachs Has More Than 4,000 Separate Corporate Entities
Each one a vibrant, thriving post office box in the Caymans.
Each one a return address for checks in the above quote.

French Parliament: Being Rude to President No Longer an Offense
That leaves nobody French people can't be rude to.
Un fait accompli!

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