Sunday, July 28, 2013

Quote of the Day

Paul Begala on the GOP. From Raw Story with video:

“The Neanderthals are fighting with Cro-Magnons, the neoliths hate the paleoliths. It’s great. I love it as a Democrat.”
Me too! Heh.

We know what happened to the GOP's forebears, the real Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. I wish them a speedy journey to join them.


  1. "We know what happened to the GOP's forebears, the real Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons."

    Lol, but wait, I thought GW Bush belonged to a much earlier species: chimps.

    So, what's happening in the domestic political scene in USA today? We don't hear anything here in Europe. Could it be your international policies of invasion, rape and mass murder ended with Bush?

  2. No, but the neocons are somewhat in disfavor and out of power for the nonce. We're always only one election that goes the wrong way away from all those goodies! Stick around...
