Wednesday, April 20, 2005

And shave off that silly mustache...

As we know, the vote on Bolton has been delayed indefinitely due to that rarest of occurrences, an attack of conscience by Senator Voinovich (R-OH). Imagine that!
"My conscience got me," he said after the stormy two-hour session. He said he had gone to the meeting planning to vote for Mr. Bolton, but changed his mind after hearing the case against the nominee made by Senators Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware and Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, both Democrats.

"I wanted more information about this individual, and I didn't feel comfortable voting for him," Mr. Voinovich said.

A Republican with a conscience? How'd he get past the screening committee?

They're gonna try to make him pay. From Move America Forward (Warning! Wingnut site - ed.):
As a result, Ohio U.S. Senator George Voinovich will be the target of radio ads criticizing Senator Voinovich for his obstructionist conduct in today’s Bolton confirmation hearings.

What a bunch of assholes.

The LATimes offers both a reasoned opinion:
President Bush's nomination of John Bolton to become United Nations ambassador began as an embarrassment and is ending as a disgrace. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was right to delay a scheduled vote and resist being railroaded by the administration into approving him.

And the perfect solution:
Bolton surely can't want the job now, with the world on notice that even the Republican Senate has its misgivings about his nomination. Bush may find it hard to back down, so Bolton should do him and his country a favor and step aside. Maybe there is a consolation prize the White House could offer him. How about ambassador to France?

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!! That'd fix him! France will get over it eventually, I'm sure, and may have some serious fun with that jerk. I certainly don't want to see his petard that he'd be hoisted from! I'm very proud today to be from L.A.

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