Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Do I hate Christians?

Just this kind. From John:
[. . .]
We’re seeing something very similar in the equation of attacks on the Dobsons and Santorums of the world with attacks on Christianity itself. The logical error is that the form of rigid rule-based, Pharisee Christianity practiced by Ayatollah Dobson is merely a particular manifestation (or subset) of Christianity proper. One can be at peace with a whole range of Christian interpretations and soundly reject the anti-Enlightenment, anti-woman, anti-privacy, anti-freedom, anti-science, anti-homosexuality, anti-everything-that-doesn’t-look-and-think-just-like-me version of Christianity.

Exactly. As he also notes, they've done the same thing with the war on Iraq, too. Anyone that didn't support the war, doesn't support defending America from terrorism. They've even taken it a step further so that anytime someone criticizes something our government does, it automatically means they hate America. It's the faultiest of logic, but it works.

[. . .]

Go read his post.

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