Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A ray of sunshine, perhaps...

Go read this. It'll make you feel better. By Stewart Nusbaumer.
There are times when happiness, regardless of ugly circumstances, cannot be denied. This morning is one of those times.

I won't bore you with the body of the article. It's good. Go bore yourself. You'll thank me.
So ignore the lousy weather, the political sun is shinning. Block out that pomp and pomposity on your television, that’s not America. The Bush Administration is crumbling; the dream to destroy America is imploding. The saboteurs are desperate -- their gang is locked in the cellar. Dismiss those tigers gnawing on your toes, they're only kittens. Have a drink. When the White House and Congress are recaptured, there will again be sanity in America. The agenda will again include justice. The price of Jim Beam will again be reasonable. Hallelujah. Have two drinks. The house of Bush is collapsing. The Mother of America will survive.

Lemme hear a Hallelujah!, brothers and sisters!

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