Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cults ...

As most regulars know, I got no use for religion. However, this is still America and if believing in something gives you peace, have at it. Do whatever you want but don't do it on me. As I said in an earlier post, I consider religious organizations getting involved in the political process an infringement of my space. The Mormons and their sponsoring of CA Prop 8 is one example.

Distributorcap also points out how the Mormons are pushing themselves on people who don't share their faith; people who take it as a great insult to be absorbed into the 'Mormon whole'.


Baptism for the Dead is a ritual where a living person is asked to act as a proxy for the baptism of a deceased person. This disgraceful procedure is not an aberration, as it regularly performed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), a religious body more commonly known as the Mormon Church. Mormons believe a baptism is required for entry into the Kingdom of God – even if you are already dead. The Mormons also do not seem to discriminate about which dead people they baptize – there is little regard for race, gender or religion. That the LDS is more than likely baptizing people who may or may not have believed in this religious observance when alive also doesn’t seem to be a factor. It is the religious practice that counts – not the person. Once you are baptized, you are added to the International Genealogical Index and are recorded in the annals of the LDS Church as accepting the ordinance of saving. Now, as the newly baptized (but dead) person, you have the option of accepting the gospel the baptism has provided for (or something like that – I am not an expert on LDS liturgy).


Now, to my mostly Catholic family, this is an outrage. I can say with great certainty that Mrs. F's Jewish family would take great offense as well. It's one thing to send missionaries out to try and convert the willing, but to impose your will and beliefs on people who don't want it, who disagree with it, is cult-like. And let's not get into the Mormon lifestyle, especially the fundamental ones.

It's time for the Church of Latter Day Saints to lose their tax-exempt status, and their status as a religious organization.* They're nothing more than a band of theocratic thugs.

Ain'tcha glad Mitt ain't the Prez-elect? Coulda happened ...

And an addendum as I run out the door:

*From above:

... It's time for the Church of Latter Day Saints to lose their tax-exempt status, and their status as a religious organization ...

Either that or I want to be able to declare my house The First Church of the Holy Leaf and kiss my tax bill goodbye too.

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