Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot ...

We're a little late to the heat party that most of the country is sweltering through but we got blasted yesterday and it's gonna be worse today. It's 85 here at 7 a.m. and the government global warming conspiracy tells me it feels like 96 with the humidity. In this heat, the usually active Dingo Sisters are nothing but little blobs laying in the shade.

Good luck to all the tourists on the street in the city today. You picked a bad week to visit New York.


So it's 100 now (at 11:30) and I brought the girls in. Even though they're designed to work in the Outback, it's just too bloody hot (you know it's too damn hot for them when they didn't even bother chasing a couple of the yard rabbits). They're both parked in front of their fan (yes, my dogs have their own fan) on the cool tiles in my office, doing their best to ignore me. Heh ...

Update Zwei:

How hot is it? This hot:

Update Trois:

You know it's hot (102 as of 4 p.m.) when the weather lady on the local news is doing the "fry an egg in the car" trick.

Update Quattro:

It's so humid I can't break my reefer up to roll a joint. Where's my bong? I've officially had it with summer and am praying for snow. Go figure.


  1. We're having a lovely cooler than normal summer here.

  2. So the Mrs. says. She says it's quite enjoyable out there but that always happens when she heads out west. In January, we got 4 feet of snow while she was enjoying the lovely LA winter.

  3. That was our weather a day ago. Hung on for days, too. Very hot and very humid. It's great around here now, so it will pass.

  4. We know what they do in the woods but does a bear pee in a pool?

  5. He can pee wherever he damn well pleases. Heh ...

  6. No shit! Yeah, you tell him to get outta the pool and use the bathroom! Heh.

  7. Have you tried a Vegematic on your reefer? Just a couple of quick hits will have you enjoying your hits in no time. :)

  8. Thanks, homeboy. The Mrs. got one but she's in California so what she don't know won't hurt me. Heh ...

  9. I've officially had it with summer and am praying for snow

    Be careful what you wiiiiishhhhh for....;-)

  10. I know, I'm an idiot. I'll probly get 6 feet of snow tomorrow and be bitching about winter. Like the Mrs. always says: "If the F-man ain't complaining, he ain't happy." Heh ...
