Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What would Jesus say?

It seems the folks in Jesusland are getting more unChristian-like by the day. Travis:

[. . .]

You hear that all you South Carolina poor people? You're going to have to stop being so frivolous and thoughtless about your health care choices. I mean, that chemo treatment you're getting--did you even shop around? I'll bet you didn't. I'll bet you just accepted the first offer that came your way. I hear Wal-mart is cutting back prices on cancer treatments. And those emergency room visits. A bit excessive don't you think? Every time there's a serious injury, you just rush into the hospital without stopping to think first whether you could staunch the flow of blood with some household item.

[. . .]

Isn't SC the place where all the Christians want to go and then secede from the Union? To them I say, have at it. Can't wait until it's time to cut you all loose.

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