Me'n Mrs. G are meeting Jim and Lisa of
Ranger Against War for coffee in a coupla hours. They're friends of our dear departed friend
Lurch. They're vacationing in our neck of the woods and called me outta the blue yesterday. This is big! More later.
The Update You've All Been Waiting For:
Click to way embiggen
L-R: Lisa, Gordon, Jim
Photo by Mrs. G
We just came from an all-too-short 3 hour visit with these nice folks. The venue was
Wild Cherries, a coffee/light lunch joint in my town. We got there at the right time to get a nice outdoor table. Jim and Lisa got there about a minute after we did and Jim and I spotted each almost instantly. Lisa was kinda dazzled by that, "How'd you guys do that?". Takes one to know one...
A little backstory is in order. Lisa was already in Frisco when she put two and two together and, on the strength of a photo I
posted a few weeks back, got the idea that I lived somewhere near Lake Tahoe and since Tahoe was on their itinerary, e-mailed me on Friday suggesting we get together. I assumed (makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me') that meant
South Lake Tahoe which is where most people think of when they think of Tahoe. Which is fifty miles from where I live. That might have not been feasible, but as luck would have it they stayed last night in
Carnelian Bay, a lovely little community (pop. 876, great pizza joint) on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe. Which is less than 20 miles from me. I called her cell on Saturday which of course was turned off, but she called me this morning. I, of course, was asleep and Mrs. G took the message, and, in a most daring manner, I called her back with only half a cuppa coffee in me. That's dangerous for me, but I most definitely did not want to miss an opportunity to meet them. Turns out they were coming directly through Truckee on their way to their next stop and plans were made! Win-win!
Lisa enjoyed a local event that most people never get to see and would pay extra for: from the patio of their motel room, she got to see a bear dumpster dining! Also, when I called them, they were in the Jacuzzi. Ain't life a bitch? Sigh.
We had a swell visit. We chatted about everything and then some. We talked about blogging, politics, philosophy, the economy, all the usual. We talked about Lurch. There was one little slip-up: we sat girl-girl-boy-boy at a round table, so there were two separate conversations going on at times. Jim's a motorcyclist (rides a Triumph!), a student of military history, and a firearms enthusiast just like I am, so that's what we talked about. I got no idea what Lisa and Mrs. G talked about two feet away. Not the best, but it worked out OK. There's never enough time at first meetings, but a buncha friends were made today.
Shorter: Lisa is lovely, intelligent, and charming. Jim's a retired Army Ranger officer. 'Nuff said...(wink)
I think outdoor joints are the best place to meet like this. First, it was a gorgeous day, perfect conditions. Second there were extraneous interactions with other patrons. A couple pulled up on a nice Triumph like Jim's and we chatted with them, and Mrs. G got to dog-sit a poodle while its folks were inside ordering. They had told it to 'stay' whereupon it made a beeline for her. Heh. Smart dog!
A most wonderful afternoon. Wouldn't have missed it for the world and glad I didn't. It was kind of a spur of the moment deal, and it worked out every bit as well as could be expected.
Since this would not have happened had it not been for our mutual friend, thanks for hookin' us all up, Lurch.