Thursday, March 22, 2007

Saddam Has the Last Laugh

Robert Scheer on the latest poll of Iraqis.

Yep, you did it, George - mission impossible accomplished. Unbelievably, four years of a bungled occupation have managed to make Saddam Hussein's tyranny look good in comparison with "liberated Iraq."

At least, that is the view of the Iraqi weightlifter made famous through a video of him taking a sledgehammer to Saddam Hussein's statue. "I really regret bringing down the statue," Kadhim al-Jubouri said on British television this week. "The Americans are worse than the dictatorship. Every day is worse than the previous day."

I can relate to that guy. Scroll down at the link for his story. He was also a mechanic, and Uday threw him in prison when he complained about not getting paid for fixing Uday's motorcycle. I'm sure he realizes now that he should have stayed quiet and just "fixed" it again so the wheels would do interesting things at speed, like come off...

Don't fuck with yer bike mechanic, even if you think you own the joint. Your life is in his hands way more than it is in your car guy's.

What Bush has managed to do is to place the United States in a no-win position as the most likely target for failed Iraqi expectations, which he did so much to raise. He is asking Iraqis to take his word for it that the invasion was not post-9/11 posturing or a grab for oil or a blow undertaken on behalf of Israel, yet he has nothing tangible to show as proof of his sincerity.

Bush? Sincerity? Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Sincerity is important - when you can fake that, you've got it made, and Bush is the biggest fake I've ever seen. I can see his fakery by looking at him and listening to him and knowing about him, but he's fooled a lot of people. They're catching on, albeit a little slow, but you gotta be a little slow to fall for his shit.

Of course, the coffers of a handful of American mercenary, construction and energy corporations have swelled, despite this lack of credible achievement. More than $20 billion in "reconstruction" contracts were given to Vice President Dick Cheney's old company, Halliburton, alone.

It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper to just give them the money.

Go read about the poll numbers.

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