Friday, August 20, 2004


Via Pandagon. On Bush's latest campaign ad where he uses the Iraqi and Afghani olympic teams to illustrate all the good he's done there [sic]:

[Iraqi soccer player]Ahmed Manajid, who played as a midfielder on Wednesday, had an even stronger response when asked about Bush's TV advertisement. "How will he meet his god having slaughtered so many men and women?" Manajid told me. "He has committed so many crimes."

Yeah, exploit them a little more.

Bubba has more.

Same with The Talking Dog:

These ingrate Iraqi bastards. We liberate them, humiliate them, torture them, unleash anarchy, chaos and violence, and impose a puppet government on them, and now they have the audacity to say that just because they don't like the policies of their foreign occupiers, they get to have a say in whether or not their images are exploited for political gain!

There's just no pleasing some people.

Kevin at The American Street.

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