Friday, September 17, 2004

Rant Response To A Rant by SKB

I posted this on SouthKnoxBubba and it came out of my stream-of-unconsciousness good enough that I'd like to share it.

Hey, buzz, fuck you and the elephant you rode in on.

Thanks for the rant, bubba. When you hit the wall, you hit it good.

Factchecker's right, but let me build on what he said: We not only CAN take our country back, we damn well HAVE TO!

We're not all idiots in this country. We were complacent about our electoral system and things were different in 2000. We were blindsided by the Bush league and his Supreme Court. Who could have predicted that?

Who could have predicted that a bunch of warmongers were looking for an excuse to take down Saddam and that 9/11 would come along and give them that excuse? Stupid, inept, lying,arrogant warmongers, with no respect for the Constitution they swore to defend, or for the citizens of this country and the rest of the world, at that.

Their treatment of Service men and women, the National Guard, and Veterans is despicable, but about what we've come to expect from a bunch that will impoverish the nation to pander to their rich cronies.

"If We Had But Known" must be our battle cry, not our epitaph. We MUST throw the bastards out, and NEVER, EVER let anything like this sorry excuse for an administration happen again.

It wouldn't hurt for Congress to get its spine back, if it ever had one to begin with. And the media.

I further propose a Grand Jury, once these bastards are out on the street, that will indict them in the name of the American people. They will be arrested, marched off in handcuffs, dressed out in orange, photographed in living color for all the world to see, given a FAIR trial and either be hung, or locked up in the care of guards who have lost people in Iraq. Maybe some who are a little loose, bestiality-wise, who own digital cameras.

I would be more than satisfied with that outcome, even though some may not think it harsh enough. Like it could happen.

What CAN happen is for John Kerry to become President. That would help a lot.

If we have to do it without the people who think watching some so-called reality show is more important than the reality going on all around them, then fuck 'em, we'll do it without them. Somebody's got to.


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