Saturday, March 17, 2007

Why it matters ...

It's something I've been trying to explain to people who tell me, why does it matter, the Democrats do it (all the underhanded shit the Bushistas are doing) too. Um ... no. Digby (as usual) sums it up quite well:

... There is a huge need for the Democrats to develop the record on this administration's many crimes. It's important for our future and it's important for history. What they have done should never, ever be repeated. You had the highest reaches of the white house casually revealing what was clearly "need to know" classified information (which they had no "need to know" in the first place) to reporters, for purely political purposes ...

This administration is the closest we've come to a dictatorship since the Founding Fathers wrestled with the form our government should take. It is imperative this never happens again.

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