Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bullshit walks ...

Greenwald looks at Republican Tough-Guy Syndrome. Now, I don't know what a tough guy is. I've been called a tough guy over the years and I've also been called a pussycat. I'm just trying to be the man I aspire to be. It looks to me like the Rethugs put too much stock in the appearance of toughness and not so much emphasis on acts of toughness be they moral, mental, or physical.


Virtually the entire top layer of Republican leaders, both political and media figures, are the very opposite of the virtues this movement claims to embody. From Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the rest of the right-wing noise machine, along with our brave neoconservative warmongers -- to say nothing of the likes of George Bush and Dick Cheney -- it is virtually impossible to locate genuine acts of strength, bravery, regular-guy wholesomeness, or any of the warrior attributes and virtues of traditional masculinity they claim to exude.

Indeed, as this Mark Hemingway "sissy mary" outburst illustrates, the opposite is almost always true. The gap between the Mythological Right-Wing Male Leader and the reality of their actual leaders is virtually infinite. Examining that gaping disconnect between what their leaders really are and what they pretend to be -- and highlighting the manipulative cultural themes the right-wing has wielded to win elections -- is the topic of my current book. [my ems]


We have a saying where I come from. "Cash talks, bullshit walks."

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