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Teachers, auto workers, nurses and more have had their chance to show their support for the ideals of the Occupy movement.
Today, veterans had their turn.
There is no perfect way to describe what it looked like, we can only say that their demonstration was serious and somber unlike any other.
This was not a party with music and cheering, their signs were not funny either, this was a true march in protest. After all, these men and women are soldiers.
As they made their way to Zuccotti Park, the feeling was tense. People who watched from their offices did not smile or laugh, they stared and whispered quietly to each other.
And then the veterans took the human microphone. Like their steps, their voices rang in perfect time. The occupiers stood in shttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifilence, only opening their mouths to repeat what the soldiers said.
When one Navy veteran addressed Zuccotti Park he put it very simply: "If you continue to assemble in peace and solidarity, justice will come to pass. We are the 99%."
Click here to see the veterans march.
Seems like "Semper Fi" is spreading. Get some, my brothers and sisters in arms!
Thanks, if it wasn't for you I would have missed that.
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