Thursday, June 21, 2012

Seriously ...

If you were a space alien with the intelligence and wherewithal to make it to Earth, why would you even bother making contact? I mean, with all the crap floating around this planet, you'd think we were nothing but a buncha slobs.

Houston is all too aware of this problem: The area of space just outside of Earth is growing dangerously crowded with space junk, debris leftover from 50 years-worth of humanity’s spacefaring activities and from tiny meteorites.


Alien travel brochures probably call the Solar System the "Ghetto of the Milky Way".


Anonymous said...

Alien travel brochures probably call the Solar System the "Ghetto of the Milky Way".

"Mostly harmless," one might even say.

BadTux said...

We're the equivalent of that house that has four old junk cars up on blocks in the weed-filled front yard and a torn sofa on the front porch, and a jillion half-naked kids playing in the mud puddles of the dirt driveway. No wonder we haven't encountered any aliens -- or if we have, they took one look and ran screamin' for the next solar system.

- Badtux the White Trash Penguin