Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Start 'em young ...

And keep 'em dumb. Really?

It sounds like a hoax, but it’s apparently true: The Loch Ness Monster is on the science class syllabus for kids at Eternity Christian Academy in Westlake, Louisiana.

As reported by the Herald Scotland (which must track all Loch Ness-related news), a school that will receive tax-payer dollars, will teach kids that the mythological sea creature is real in order to debunk the theory of evolution. So pay attention: That will be on the test.


Even Jesus weeps ...


Anonymous said...

What a great country, eh? Tax money going to support education that actually makes kids stupider....and then we wonder why the Republic's in trouble...

Gordon said...

Those damn elitists! The domestic legendary monster ain't good enough for them? They gotta go with "offshoring"?! Harrumph!

David Aquarius said...

Note to Jesus: Cryin' time is over. It's time to get pissed! And don't spare the rod!

Damn Christians are like rats. You can keep one or two around as pets but any more than that and they become vermin.

"puts on helmet"

Fixer said...

Heh ...