Sing a Song
Our Fearless Leader has a somewhat limited songtrack on his I-Pod One. He likes country but any new sample lists he might download aren't likely to include tracks by The Dixie Chicks or Steve Earle. (I wonder if he accidentally downloaded Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm by Crashtest Dummies thinking it would be a sensitive and poetic ballad?) However, music as a mediator of values and ideologies is something our Dear Leader appreciates. Patriotic and religious songs have helped people to uphold their faith and national identity through the hardest times as we all know. In this spirit of community building the White House Easter Egg Roll 2006 was dedicated to the Katrina Children and to celebrate everything that has been accomplished in that hurricane-ravaged region, eggs were rolled and songs were sung. The Katrina Kids serenaded Dear Leader with a song dug from the depths of their young souls and experience, sung to the tune of Hey Look Me Over:Our country's stood beside us
People have sent us aid.
Katrina could not stop us, our hopes will never fade.
Congress, Bush and FEMA
People across our land
Together have come to rebuild us and we join them hand-in-hand.
The Rude Pundit thinks this means that Dear Leader has just beat the old Soviet Union at its own game, as if Dear Leader was nothing more than the center of a cult of personality rather than the current chief executive the people of the United States vote for every four years. What should the Katrina Kids be singing anyway, This Land is Your Land or Glory, Glory Hallelujah? Or perhaps Row, Row, Row Your Boat?
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