Clicking will reveal a load. Of inner beauty
Inside says "...ain't for sissies". No shit. The beauty is if you wanna ride around on a pink bicycle, you may. Or a moped or a pot-bellied pig. Fuck it, yer on the downslope, why give a rat's ass what anybody else thinks?
Today is also the earliest possible date for me to be eligible for the Gummint Rockin' Chair Money, which I have applied for and will start rollin' in soon. You kids keep workin'! Also, respect yer elders whilst yer out there snappin' yer whippers.
Besides being a day upon which the Lord shone on the Earth with my birth, many other notables share my natal day and many interesting things have happened. it is also "Whatdafuck? Day" on Easyriders calendar and the Full Harvest Moon, which I will (hopefully) not try to replicate tonight at dinner at Lanza's.
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