Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Who's the Biggest Manwhore?

The Rude Pundit on the most recent Repug candidate panderpalooza. The first paragraph, which you'll have to go read for yourself, describes consensual (I think) acts that I've never even heard of. Frozen cookie dough? Brr.

Everything you need to know about the Republicans candidates for president is contained in this simple fact from last night's Fox "news" debate: they spent more time on gay marriage than on the war in Iraq.

Coming on the heels of the serial rim jobs given by the Republicans to Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council at their Value Voters Summit (motto: "Come for the proselytizing and sanctimony, stay for the non-kosher buffet"), the debate was dominated by a simple question asked of simple men: "Which of you hates more people?" Or, as the Fox "news" correspondents asking the questions put it, "Who's more conservative?"

[...] And when it came to the gays, oh, snap, how they went after each other like old drag queens at a Liza Minnelli yard sale.

About halfway through the debate, the fine Fox-ers got around to asking the candidates what they might actually do as President. On health care, the answers boiled down to: "Give insurance companies everything they want." On education: "Give private schools everything they want." On taxes: "Give rich people everything they want." On foreign policy: "Give the neocons everything they want."

Shorter: Be Bush. That's workin' out just great, huh?

Ron Paul, the sanest one of those morons, which isn't saying very much, went against Repug retard talking points and injected some actual reality into the proceedings and got a typical kool-aid drinkin' response. From a BradBlog post which is worth reading:

PAUL: Well, there's a very big difference, and I think the American people, if we as a party realize this and understand it, 70- some percent of the people in America want the war over with. They're sick and tired of it and they want our troops to come home.


Mr. Paul is credited with 'winning' the BS-fest, and was roundly dissed by one of the worst of the true believers, a JuliAnnie man supporter.

One of these clowns, from the weakest field in memory. is going to be the Repug presidential nominee and will go up against a Dem nominee from the best field we could hope for. There's not much at stake, just the future of our country and the world.

How could we possibly lose?

Easy. The Dems are good at shit like that.

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