She just won’t be deterred. Despite being roundly ridiculed by, like, everyone for her latest jihad against Rachel Ray’s scarf, Michelle Malkin has dedicated her entire weekly column to the affair. Read. Weep:
So now Skippy tells us Dunkin Donuts has pulled the ad:
so by acquiescing to malkin's bigoted demands, dunkin' donuts itself has acted in a bigoted manner, eg, implying that all people who wear a kaffiyeh are to be suspected of terrorism.

Pic stolen from the Roo.
So, Ms. Malkin and your willing idiots, RR is a Jihadi sympathizer, or at least Dunkin Donuts is, right? Well, what do you say to the US troops who wear them in the desert? What, you didn't know a shemagh is GI issue?

Pic courtesy of Armed Forces Merchandise Outlet, where you can buy 'em.
Now, please, SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.
And just another example of hardly-ever-right wing stupid (there is no way to fix stupid, by the way) at Sadly No!, There's more 'outrage' about Obama naming the wrong concentration camp his uncle helped liberate. Why this is an issue, who would know (aren't we all glad the camps were liberated, period?), but the twits had to bother the folks who run the 89th Infantry Division of World War II website. The reply:
Please crawl back under the rock you came out from.
Good day
Raymond Kitchell, veteran 89th Inf Div
Another buncha vets after my own heart.
Really late for work now, hadda kick the Mrs. out at the airport. Don't worry, I slowed down to 20 mph before I made her jump. Heh ... Later.
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