Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We been saying it ...

For the better part of a decade:

Human Rights Watch has called on Barack Obama, the current US president, to order a criminal investigation into alleged detainee abuse by his predecessor, George W Bush, and senior figures from his administration.

"There are solid grounds to investigate Bush, [former vice president Dick] Cheney, [former secretary of defence Donald] Rumsfeld, and [former CIA director George] Tenet for authorising torture and war crimes," Kenneth Roth, HRW's executive director, said.


"The US is right to call for justice when serious international crimes are committed in places like Darfur, Libya, and Sri Lanka, but there should be no double standards," Roth said.


American exceptionalism at its best. If we want the rest of the world to start taking us seriously again, a good start would be dropping these clowns at the Hague; at the least, putting them on trial ourselves.