Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Inspiration Lacking

I'm uninspired today, but the world seems to tick on anyway, so I'll just ramble a bit. Bush lied in his budget, but what are a couple of lies about money after you've lied and caused the death of thousands. The Libby trial goes on and Jane and the gang at Firedoglake are doing a bang-up job of keeping us informed, maybe the smoking gun that will trigger impeachment proceeding will finally pop up. The Republicans voted against debating the way the war is being conducted, if you follow their logic, a war can be a complete disaster but you don't challenge the President because that encourages the enemy. It seems to me that the total incompetence of the Bush team is providing more aid and comfort to the enemy than any opponent of the war. All this going on and the lead story at cnn.com is about an astronaut that allegedly attempted to kidnap and murder a rival for the affections of another astronaut. Our priorities have really gotten screwed up. I, for one, won't be satisfied until Bush and Cheney are lead from the White House in shackles on their way to be tried for crimes against humanity. Impeachment is too good for them.


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