Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The "Oh, Shit!" Moment On Iran

Dave Lindorff

Every horror movie has that "Oh Shit!" moment, when the hero or heroes are huddled in some creepy hideout, and suddenly something happens that tells you that the monster is just around the corner, or just about to attack. In "Jurassic Park," it was the pulsing ripples in a cup of water, heralding the arrival of a T-Rex. In "Jaws," it was the deep bass music, letting you know that a monstrous shark was about to attack.

Well, we just got our "Oh Shit!" moment with the just-announced resignation of Admiral William J. Fallon, the military commander of U.S. Middle East operations.

All the elements, that is to say, are in place for a massive air assault on Iranian targets, designed to destroy its nuclear program, cripple its military command and control, and -- at least this is a stated Cheney goal -- to lead to the overthrow of the Iranian government by its own people.

It is, of course, the strategy of madmen.

The monster of war will be unleashed, and will not easily be defeated. That's why Adm. Fallon was so opposed to the whole idea. He knows that it will be a disaster for the U.S. militarily, economically, and politically.

The worst part is that Cheney knows this, too. He just doesn't care. This is the man's parting shot as he leaves office -- to put the country into the throes of a war so vicious that no one will think of pursuing him for his long list of crimes against the nation and the Constitution.

He is guessing -- and he may be right -- that the American public will, sheep-like as always, rally to the cause, with a new round of yellow magnet "ribbons" on their cars. He is hoping -- and he may be right -- that war will be a boon for the candidacy of Republican John McCain and for embattled Republicans running for Congress.

It's a kind of political Hail Mary.

Oh Shit! Here it comes!

It is high time for the military, Congress, and the American people to tell the insane sociopathic warmongers to fuck off. Will they?

Stay tuned...

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