Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hey, Barry?

How's that bipartisanship thing working out?

Dude, I admire your motivation, I really do, but maybe you should have consulted the bloggers (you know, we who've been documenting the Republican modus operandi and the messes resulting from it for years) before you went up to the Hill, only to have shit thrown at you, but live and learn. I hadda learn a buncha shit the hard way too but we all told you what you'd get - a shit sandwich.

Mr. President, a bold truth of this day and age is the Republican party of the 21st Century cares nothing for the well being of the average American. It's all about ideology and political payback and the sooner you learn that, the sooner you'll stop wasting your time on them.

And an addendum: Forget you ever heard the name "Rush Limbaugh". Going down that road is a dead end.

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