Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's why ...

They don't call us Republicans. We question our leaders. Greenwald looks at the difference between Dem/Progressives and Republican/Conservatives when it comes to disagreement with the President, though we do have a few who will follow without question:


To recap: Republicans never criticized Reagan, and Democrats should copy that sychophantic behavior and loyally get in line behind the great man in the White House. Obama isn't merely our Leader, but he's Our Great and Wise Leader -- the greatest and wisest that "America, by a wide margin, has had in decades," maybe ever -- and what he deserves and is entitled to is meek and uncritical support to ensure that The Team succeeds. Even if you think that what Obama is doing is wrong and counter-productive, you should keep your mouth shut and pretend to agree with him and realize that he is smarter and better than you and therefore probably right, even if you don't see or agree with the rationale behind his actions. Obama works in mysterious ways, yes he does.


The idea behind genuine, healthy criticism is to make, or do, things better. There is always somebody with a better idea and agreement just "because our leader says so" breeds myopia and stagnation. Earlier on, Greenwald states it succinctly:


A rational citizen, by definition, praises and supports political leaders only when they do the right thing (regardless of motive), and criticizes and opposes them when they don’t. It's just that simple. Cheerleading for someone because they're on "your team" is appropriate for a sporting event, not for political matters. Political leaders deserve support only to the extent that their actions, on a case-by-case basis, merit that support, and that has largely been the behavior of progressives towards Obama.


America is never 'finished'. It is, and was created as such, a "work-in-progress", to be refined and built upon for the greater good. "In order to form a more perfect Union." The only way to make America better is to discuss and dissent, not just for contrarianism's sake but to make the place we live in better for all Americans, not just for moneyed Caucasian men.

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