Sunday, March 22, 2009

A time for silence

A 'must read' from our northern neighbors in the wake of Bush's Calgary visit.

By Janice Kennedy, The Ottawa Citizen

Of all the wise observations in Ecclesiastes about seasons -- times to be born and to die, to weep and to laugh, to love and to hate -- the wisest for this moment in history may be the one about speaking and keeping silent. It's tailor-made for U.S. Republicans in the party's far-right wing, and for their fans at home and abroad.

In short, it is now time for the rabid right to shut up.

Four months ago, they were told unequivocally that their time in power -- the eight years they used so spectacularly to transform prosperity into ashes and peace into war -- was over. Finito. Goodbye.

But they don't seem to get it.

Barely into Barack Obama's early attempts to clean up their messes, they've re-emerged into the sunshine, crowing from the roof of the roost as if they still ruled it.

...the enthusiastic reaction in Calgary to Bush's first post-presidential speaking engagement was probably not one that caused hearts across Canada to swell with pride.

Since memories are obviously short, it may be useful to review the legacy of the recent adventure in lunatic right-wing extremism.

And review it she does...

In a just world, they'd be in some dark hiding place, grateful not to be in the slammer. In a just world, they'd hang their heads in shame.

In a just world, they'd realize the time had come for them to shut their malicious mouths.

Canadians are too polite. I'd have written the next line, which she did not:

And if they did not take advantage of the opportunity to shut their malicious mouths, there are plenty of volunteers more than willing to shut their malicious mouths for them.

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