Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Limbaugh nation ...

They allowed him to usurp the reins of the Republican Party and now they'll have to live with it:


The problem is that the Republican Party went all in with the conservative movement over the past 25 years. George W. Bush's America was Limbaugh Nation and Limbaugh Nation was George W. Bush's America --- they have nothing else. They are nothing else.


All they are is the equivalent of a Third World dictatorship; anyone speaking out against the tin-horn general is put up against the wall (figuratively). Any questioning of the doctrine is not allowed. This is why you hear no new ideas coming from Republicans. It is why, when you see the Rethug talking heads on TV, they parrot the same old worn out lines: "Cut taxes!" "Tax and spend Democrats!" "Moral values!" "Trickle-down economics!" "The Clintons!"

It's why Americans aren't fooled anymore. After all these years of the same catchphrases being bandied about (and 8 years of Republican rule), the wreckage of "conservative ideology" is strewn all around us; proving the bankruptcy of their ideas. It's as if the Republicans have all turned into Baghdad Bob, clueless about what's really going on, mindlessly repeating their talking points while the 'barbarians' have breached the city gates. The post-election Republican Party has become the party of oblivious, clueless twits, showing ultimate devotion to a man whom drugs and fast-living has addled beyond repair. Reality has no place in the 21st Century GOP.

It is doubtful they will learn from this dust up between Rush and Michael Steele that's kept us all on the left so very entertained. It seems that when their token black man gets 'uppity', the rest of them fall in line (led by their token brown man) to excoriate him and display their fealty to the Supreme Leader. It would be funny if the consequences weren't so damned serious.

Folks bitch about how the Dems can't fall into line like the Rethugs and I say that's a good thing. Yes, it makes things much more complicated but at least there is a debate, not ideology-driven but issues-driven, and, by and large, the best interest of the American people is the motivator. I could not belong to a party whose sole reason for existence is 'ideology or bust' and accruing more power, banishing any new thought or debate to the trash bin.

It is fun to watch, but I seriously hope the Republicans get their act together and kick the 'conservatives' and 'neocons' out, permanently, and put Americans first, before ideology. As my wise old CO said to me during the Cold War: "Pray the Soviets never collapse, Sarge," he said to me. "Because whatever replaces them will probably be worse." (We got al-Qaeda) I feel the same way about the Republicans. While they are antithetical to everything good for the country, they are a known enemy, one we can deal with. The next bunch might not be satisfied with debate.

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