Monday, March 2, 2009

Popcorn time!

God, I'm just sitting back watching this Rush Lintball/Michael Steele prick-waving contest as they fight like 10 year old boys in the schoolyard.

Mr. Aravosis:

Well, it's clear who wears the pants in that family. Steele now says that, while he said Rush Limbaugh was "an entertainer," "ugly," and "incendiary," those weren't the words he was thinking. Those words just magically ushered forth from the mouth of the Republican party chair - he was basically speaking to the media while speaking in tongues. Or perhaps he was drugged. Or simply stupid. Whatever the reason, it's a rather amazing admission for the head of the entire Republican party to say that he give interviews and says things that he has no idea how they come out of his mouth.


Some old Haitian lady put the Caribbean voodoo mojo on my ass!

Oliver Willis:


Jesus, that is pathetic. A bigoted pill-popping knuckle dragging blow hard is running a major political party, and nobody over there has even half a ball to stand up to him.


I got a few questions for Republicans. You say you want to do what's best for America. Since when has Rush done anything for anyone besides Rush? Since when has Rush been responsible for a town, city, county or state and the people who elected him? It's assholes like him who got you into this mess to begin with.

Keep fighting, boys. While you're busy, President Obama can do what he must to try and fix your mess and I can kick back with an extra large bucket of popcorn ... extra butter.

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