Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Headline of the Day

NAACP boos Romney for promising to kill ‘Obamacare’

Note to Willard: Well, what did you expect? Those folks aren't your Dead End Quarter base. They probably don't really like you and were actually there to hear what you had to say, which as usual was nothing/wrong/lies. Ya gotta pick your spots, dude.


Fixer said...

You know, the dumbass would have been better off not bringing up the ACA at all.

casey said...

I've got to give Willard chops for showing up but being as stupid/arrogant/in need of a good headshrinker (South Pacific or African version) many demerits. He needs to run into reality but unfortunately he will miss it by the distance from the big bang till the present.

Fixer said...

... a good headshrinker (South Pacific or African version) ...


Gordon said...

What Fixer said! "Pinhead Willie!"

Brian said...

I don't understand why the NAACP bothered with this (though I don't know who asked for him to come, them or the Rmoney campaign). They should have seen this for what it really was: not an attempt to woo black voters, but to solidify Romney's racist base - yep, they say to themselves, here was the candidate who had the balls to stand up to the darkies in their own meeting hall and tell them what he's going to do to them and their interests.
See him grinning in the video while he's being booed? He got what he wanted, both in the morning and the afternoon. This was an act of provocation, pure and simple.