Monday, August 10, 2009

"... Linda Lovelace without the talent."

Our pal D-cap is one of the best bloggers around (in league with the great Driftglass) and I can read his writing all day. This time he takes on the 'Palin Fan Club' with sexual analogies that make his point so very well:


Even worse than the idolization of Sarah Lovelace is the fact that the so-called "fourth estate" – there to protect the public from lies and deception - has barely made a whimper about her saying Obama will murder her child or about the other lunatics on the right who claim Obama is going to euthanize granny. For politicians and insane cable hosts - if there is no negative consequence for their irresponsible behavior and incendiary speech, you betcha there will be a lot more of it – and a lot more of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. What passes as journalism today is nothing short of dildo party.


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